Minor Spectrum Agents
I'm sorry - this was honestly the best picture I could get of the poor guy, given that he has about 10 seconds of screentime and most of that is from the back! Captain Brown

Spectrum Position: Colour-coded senior officer

Appears in: Touch of the Reaper & Syrtis Major

Captain Indigo

Real name: John Roach

Spectrum Position: Colour-coded senior officer

Appears in: Touch of the Reaper, Syrtis Major & The Storm at the End of the World.

Captain Magenta

Real name: Mario Moro

Spectrum Position: Colour-coded senior officer

Other details: Magenta thinks himself quite the womaniser, but his methods of seduction could do with some work; Captain Ochre, Lieutenant Green and the female inspector for the U.N. Security Council are all able to resist his 'charms'.

Appears in: Instrument of Destruction part I, Touch of the Reaper, Virus, Syrtis Major, Duel & Shape Shifter.

Voiced by: Jeremy Hitchen

Captain Orange

Spectrum Position: Colour-coded senior officer

Appears in: Instrument of Destruction part I.

Lieutenant Silver

Real name: Bethany Craig

Place of birth: Australia

Spectrum Position: Colour-coded senior officer, communications officer

Appears in: Swarm, Touch of the Reaper and Proteus.

Voiced by: Emma Tate

Back to Personnel
Colonel White

Captain Scarlet

Captain Blue

Captain Ochre

Captain Grey

Lieutenant Green

Doctor Gold

Captain Black

The Angels